Portfolios > Woodcuts & Linocuts

Alice Leora Briggs, Mark Strand, woodcut, chine colle, Flatbed Press
The Room
woodcut with chine collé
17x20 inches

The handwritten text below the image is
Mark Strand's poem, The Room.
Printed at Flatbed Press by master
printer, Tracy Mayrello.

For many years I considered how to create an homage to the work of Mark Strand. In December 2013, I began to focus on a single poem. Over the next 18 months I developed a suite of 12 woodcuts that correspond to the 12 lines of The Room

Flatbed Press published The Room in an edition of 24.
1 through 14 in each edition are reserved as boxed suites;
15-24 will be sold as individual impressions.